20 November World Children’s Day

The United Nations General Assembly declared 20 November to be “World Children’s Day” as a global occasion celebrated yearly to promote international togetherness and awareness among children worldwide and to improve children’s welfare. Like adults, children shall enjoy human rights, including the right to development and growth, protection from ill-treatment and exploitation, the right to express opinions, as well as the right to equality, health, education, a clean environment, a safe place to live, and protection from all kinds of harm. The forthcoming Constitution shall guarantee constitutional and legal protections of the child’s rights under the Universal Convention on the Rights of the Child. It shall also guarantee the maximum of their energies and the development of their cultural, scientific, psychological, physical and creative capacities. It shall also guarantee their right to nutrition, shelter, education, and their full participation in the family and in cultural and social life, as well as their inclusion in society, their free access to health care, and their protection from discrimination, and all forms of violence, abuse, ill-treatment and sexual and commercial exploitation, including children with special needs.

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