International Day of Parliamentarism

June 30 
The International Day of Parliamentarism is celebrated every year on 30 June, 
the date on which the Inter-Parliamentary Union was founded in 1889. 
The Day was established through a United Nations General Assembly Resolution

In recognition of the role of parliamentarians in national plans and strategies 
and to ensure greater transparency and accountability both at global and local levels

The new draft constitution shall ensure that parliament has a strong, transparent and accountable role 

as it represents people’s voices, passes laws and regulations governing society, allocates funds to enforce laws and policies, and holds governments accountable. It also ensures that all policies benefit all people, especially the most vulnerable ones.

The Constitution shall also ensure that Parliament is linked with international and national agendas 
has the ability to monitor the government’s implementation of international treaties and agreements it has signed 
and has an exceptional role in implementing sustainable development plans, 
especially since in countries emerging from conflicts, strong parliaments can facilitate a peaceful transition to an effective democracy by addressing Societal divisions through dialogue and cooperation

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